Friday, November 16, 2012

Breaking Dawn Finale.

Have you ever been in love with someone? Someone who've inspired you the most. If that's the case then, high-five! Everybody deserves to be In Love with somebody who will really love you ENDLESSLY. 

Just like The Twilight Saga's "Breaking Dawn part 2", Edward and Bella gave us a dossier that an immortal, being truly attached with a mortal or let me say "the other way around" isn't a hindrance in love after all. Even Bella uttered to Edward in the Finale part that "she wants to share a piece of forever with him". See? Love works to everyone! Everyone deserves to be in love. Love comes to those who believe in it anyway! Though there are times that you might be confused of the things around you, especially in love, but be strong and fight for what you want instead of giving up. Basically because giving up isn't the best thing to do when you are doleful. Just follow your heart, your destiny but always remember to take your brain with you!! :)

The film has stuff to say about love, friendship, and loyalty that works! It is indeed a fiction movie yet a very captivating one. Factually Superb! 

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