Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Oh Pablo..

Last week, a news was disseminated that there's a typhoon coming and will hit our country which is the Philippines, to be explicit. In addition, Pablo is the name! So it's a boy and they say if it's a boy then it's gonna be a strong one. Upon knowing that there's a typhoon coming on December 4, 2012, many people were on panic mode. But of course, Filipinos love to pray to God and I'm proud to divulge that! I guess it is the best thing a person could ever do during tough times and even during facile times. Moreover, people have prepared a lot of things, "important things" that they've envisioned that would help them as they will be experiencing the said typhoon Pablo from this point forward. 

December 4, 2012...Pablo came along to hit our country specifically in Visayas and Mindanao.  The clouds are restless. The winds are unforgiving.. The seas flow with rage.. Many houses are destroyed and some people died.. :( 

Aftermath.. It was so cold and so dark. No water and no electric power. So creepy right? But I guess it's just God's way of reminding us all that He is coming soon. So as early as now, let us do good deeds, ask for forgiveness and love each other. 

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