Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!!

New year. New life. New opportunities for year 2013! 

Year 2012, despite its distraction, has been a wonderful year, for me, my family and friends. We thank You Lord, hoping for a better tomorrow. Though 2012 has been a wonderful year for me, there's ups and downs and definitely lessons learnt... 

For 2013, lets focus on love and brush off the hate energy! 

Happy New Year!!!:) Be happy and be blessed! :)  good vibes. :) 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

It's Christmas time!

Hello everyone! Just want to greet you all a very merry Christmas! Spread the love and be thankful to God, our Savior for He gave us the opportunity to live life to its fullest and to let us celebrate Christmas with our loved ones! Guess this is it for now...Stay blessed everyone! Will be posting some of my Christmas pictures maybe tomorrow or on Friday. :) Ciao!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Cambodian Fine Arts and Crafts

Being in Siem Reap always gives me the excitement to see history, Cambodian culture and heritage, trying out different Khmer dishes and of course, shopping high quality Cambodian silk.

When in Siem Reap, a visit to the Silk Farm (Artisans Angkor) is a must. There you will observe how locals make both fine and normal silk. All the products in Artisans Angkor are handmade so it's truly an amazing experience.

The process of Silk making begins with the silk worms. They feed the worms with Mulberry leaves until they grow and transform into cocoons. When they become cocoons, they are being collected, boiled to become soft and clean, then dried under the sun. After they have been dried, they boil them again and pull the cocoon fibers spinning them to make the silk thread. They dye the bulky silk thread with natural colors like bark from different trees, spices and banana leaves. And lastly, they weave the silk thread to make into a big cloth with different colors and designs.

At the Silk Farm, you can shop (Artisans Angkor Silk Boutique) different handmade silk products like clothes, scarves, bags, wallets, pillow cases, etc. The prices are more expensive than in the market but of course, you also get very high quality products.
You can also find shops (Artisans Angkor) around Siem Reap and at the airport.
Check out their website:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Oh Pablo..

Last week, a news was disseminated that there's a typhoon coming and will hit our country which is the Philippines, to be explicit. In addition, Pablo is the name! So it's a boy and they say if it's a boy then it's gonna be a strong one. Upon knowing that there's a typhoon coming on December 4, 2012, many people were on panic mode. But of course, Filipinos love to pray to God and I'm proud to divulge that! I guess it is the best thing a person could ever do during tough times and even during facile times. Moreover, people have prepared a lot of things, "important things" that they've envisioned that would help them as they will be experiencing the said typhoon Pablo from this point forward. 

December 4, 2012...Pablo came along to hit our country specifically in Visayas and Mindanao.  The clouds are restless. The winds are unforgiving.. The seas flow with rage.. Many houses are destroyed and some people died.. :( 

Aftermath.. It was so cold and so dark. No water and no electric power. So creepy right? But I guess it's just God's way of reminding us all that He is coming soon. So as early as now, let us do good deeds, ask for forgiveness and love each other. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Breaking Dawn Finale.

Have you ever been in love with someone? Someone who've inspired you the most. If that's the case then, high-five! Everybody deserves to be In Love with somebody who will really love you ENDLESSLY. 

Just like The Twilight Saga's "Breaking Dawn part 2", Edward and Bella gave us a dossier that an immortal, being truly attached with a mortal or let me say "the other way around" isn't a hindrance in love after all. Even Bella uttered to Edward in the Finale part that "she wants to share a piece of forever with him". See? Love works to everyone! Everyone deserves to be in love. Love comes to those who believe in it anyway! Though there are times that you might be confused of the things around you, especially in love, but be strong and fight for what you want instead of giving up. Basically because giving up isn't the best thing to do when you are doleful. Just follow your heart, your destiny but always remember to take your brain with you!! :)

The film has stuff to say about love, friendship, and loyalty that works! It is indeed a fiction movie yet a very captivating one. Factually Superb! 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Awesome Wednesday!

My favorite Wintermelon milk tea!!:) 

Vintage school stuffs.. :)

Yours truly. :)
Today was an awesome day! Simply because I enjoyed what I did the whole day. Though it was a long day yet it was a productive one. So the first thing I did was to get myself dolled up and I went to the City Hall afterwards to renew the Business permit of Sweet 'N Cold Company. By 11am I went to a photo copier near my school and have the Business permit photocopied for me to pass it to my professor. Furthermore, I pop up in my only class which was at exactly 1:10pm, passed the requirements needed, did some chit chat with my group mates and listened to the discussion of my professor of course! After my class, my mother texted me to go to Starbucks to "chill". So I went there, ate a piece of bread and suddenly, I decided to buy my drink at Sweet leaf Tea Café because I was craving for a Wintermelon Milk tea! So I bought one for myself and one for my mother. Whew! Good thing my mother didn't get mad at me because of what I did, which was to let her walk all the way from Starbucks to Sweet leaf Tea Café. Phew! Happy tummy indeed. :) Lastly, my sister Quang came along with us and told us that we're going to fetch our brother in his school. So we stood up from those cute vintage chairs and Quang drove all the way from LimKetkai to Corpus Christi School. After we fetched Boyboy, Mama then uttered that she wants to go to SM because according to her it was a boring afternoon, so we went there, ate at Greenwich, and I bought some Vintage school supplies and some marked down shoes yet very elegant ones at the department store and so we were dead on one's feet and decided to go home... Indeed t'was a very long and exhausting day yet it was fun and a productive one!:)  

Friday, November 2, 2012

Inspired and Blessed.

The awesome feeling when someone is making an effort to make you smile. :) 

And when there  comes a point where you just love someone, not because they're good or bad. You just love them the way they are. :)


(c) Cheyne Malack

I feel really blessed that I have a family that supports me, an ever-loving and ever-supporting parents that provides me not only with my needs but all the aspects in life to help me grow as a better person. To become somebody that someday will also inspire other people. :) 

Asia's Longest Zipline!

Looking to experience the greatest adventure of your life? :) Try Asia's Longest Zipline located at Dahilayan, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon!! And fly like Superman from a launch point of 4, 700 feet above the sea level. With speeds of up to 90 kph, zoom through lush greenery and breathtaking views found on the mountains of Dahilayan. :)

As far as I can remember, it was December last year when I got the chance of visiting Dahilayan. Riding all the "rides" there is indeed a great experience! Posted three pictures of me above trying Asia's longest Zipline!:) haha!! I would want to go there every weekend yet everyone's dead tired because of their work, and etc. Hmm.. Guess that's it. So what are you waiting for? Go there and fly like Superman when you try Asia's longest Zipline!


Chrissa, the apprentice.

Arrival in Vietnam last May 2012.
While walking on the streets in Vietnam, you will see a lot of Vietnamese riding these lovely scooters. 

One of my favorite food in Vietnam.. Yum!

While walking on the streets in Vietnam, I saw this lady wearing a " Conical Hat " so I took a photo of her.

This photo was taken last summer.
Hello! Since it's my first time doing this stuff. I'm going to share about the things I love to do. First and foremost, I love to travel to different places and know their culture, taste their food, buy some souvenir items, and take pictures! I love fashion too! I believe that "Style is Eternal". Moreover,  I also love Photography; I take pictures most of the time of nature, animals, people, and most especially to myself. I admit. I'm vain when I am bored...I love vanity! I guess that's it for now.. :)))