Sunday, February 24, 2013

One last kick!

Hello everyone! I'm back! It's been awhile since I made a new post. Was so busy the past few months. So, here I am again writing a new post. :D A post that would inspire me and would let me remember all the good things I did in my college life. :D As to start this, let me mention the names that I am so grateful of. First, God who is always guiding me through the years. Second, my parents who were always there for me; through good and bad times, and most especially to my friends who gave colors to my life.

As far as I remember it was June of 2009 that I first entered the main gate of Xavier University, I was so excited yet at the same time scared. Went to the covered courts for a General Assembly for all the freshmen. During my Sophomore year, it was a bit different.. There were a lot of changes that happened. On my Junior year, that time, I really had problems with regards to my grades and everything turned so difficult for me. But what I did was I prayed to God and asked for His guidance. Proud to say that God really moves in mysterious ways. He will help us! And so for my Senior year, so many lessons learned, met new friends, and enjoyed a lot. Despite all these happenings in my college life, I'm so happy that God gave me an opportunity to live my life worth-living and happy.

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